Black Hair

I would like to dedicate this Web Site to all the Strong, Intelligent, and Beautiful Women of the World.

Is love true, when one love the hair of anther?

Beauty is the texture of her hair.

Beauty is the lips that only she possess.
Can one fall for the skin and not the soul?Beauty is the music in of her voice.

How can one sin with a look?

Beauty is the shade of her skin.

When one's hart is pure.

is your beauty note to be

Beauty is a Black women.              Beauty is the touch that she gives.

regarded with Wonder and approval of the highest respect.
Hair Styles
What is your style?

Short & Sassy
Natural Long

Current Results
Beauty is the lips that only she possess.

Do your lips not ask me to kiss them without moving?
Beauty is the texture of her hair.          With just my eyes       Beauty is the touch that she gives.   

Can I not see the splendor within you?

by Duncan Don Haynes

Beauty is the color of her eyes.
Beauty is the hip that she place your child on.
Beauty is the texture of her hair.
Beauty is a Black women.

Beauty is the lips that only she possess.
Beauty is the shade of her skin.
Beauty is the history of her African nose.
Beauty is a Black women.

Beauty is the curves of her back.
Beauty is the music in of her voice.
Beauty is the touch that she gives.
Beauty is a Black women.

Beauty is the history of her African nose.                               Beauty is a Black women.
Braids of love
Beauty is the curves of her back.                             Beauty is the hip that she place your child on.
What is your Best Quality?
No Offense Ladies.

Hips & Thigh

Current Results
What can I say about the beauty of a black woman?
by Duncan Don Haynes

What can I say about your lips?
All full and luscious and soft
A pleasure to touch upon mine
The character of your sexuality
The object desire most
To taste and tease
Delicious and sensually appealing

What can I say about your eyes?
All mysterious and cunning and truth
A deep glare that pull me in and takes my soul
The power that entraps me and makes me yours
The depth of intelligence within
The crystal way it romances me
Delightful feeling of tranquility

Beauty is the lips that only she possess.                         Beauty is the history of her African nose.

 Beauty is the texture of her hair.

What can I say about your hair?
All twists and curls and locs
A voluptuous body that dances in my hand
The Locs of black gold
The drapes that covers and express you
An indication of your individuality
Luxurious flower form your roots

What can I say about your nose
All curvy and strong and beautiful
A satisfying fulfillment to look upon
It affects me, just to touch Sinful self-indulgent overawes me
The eagerness to pass that boundary
and place mine upon it

What can I say about the beauty of a black woman?
All powerful and physical and spiritual

What is a Woman's Best Asset?
What is Your Best Asset?

Her Man

Current Results
click here

Beauty is the color of her eyes.

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The Lovely textures of a black women Hair.

The Top 10
Most Beautiful

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